The Advantage Of Having Well Designed Catalog For You Products

The Advantage Of Having Well Designed Catalog For You Products

So you are all set. You have the products you want to sell. You have the target audience you wish to sell to. You have your mailing list. And you know you want to create a catalog to send to everyone on your list. Now all you have to do is go to the printer and tell them you need to put a catalog together, right?

Whoa! Not so fast. There are a lot of things to consider when putting together your catalog. The mailing list, gathering the products together, and everything else you have done so far is only the beginning. In this article I will guide you through creating a well-designed catalog and why your catalog needs to be well designed in the first place.

If you were to hire someone to sell your products for you person to person, you wouldnt send them out in a pair of raggedy cutoffs and a T-shirt would you? Probably not. You would want to make sure they are dressed nicely and that they present themselves well. You would also want your salespeople to have talent at talking people into buying your products.

Well, your catalog is about to be your salesperson. You are about to send your salesperson out to sell to your potential customers, so you need to make sure they are dressed for the job and that they can sell.

There are several things you need to consider in order to produce a well-designed catalog. A well-designed catalog will sell a lot of product. A poorly-designed catalog will just cost you money.

The features of a well-designed catalog are the following:

A Cover Page that catches the eye from across the room. A well-designed cover page can make you more sales than anything else you do because other people will pick it up besides the person you sent it to. The idea is to make the cover page inviting enough that everyone who sees it at least wants to take a peek inside. A 4-color cover page is essential to a well-designed catalog.

A well-designed back cover for your catalog is almost as important. If someone lays the catalog facedown, a well-design back cover can get others to pick it up anyway. The same 4-color process is essential to a well-designed back cover for your catalog just as it is with the front cover.

Pages that contain information such as specifications, sizes, colors, shapes, and other essentials needs to be easy to read and informative. A well-designed catalog doesnt make someone do a lot of calculations when figuring out what they need.

A well-designed order form is essential to a well-designed catalog as well. Do not make it complicated! This is the deciding moment for your customer. They are thinking of ordering products through your catalog. If the process is complicated, you will lose them at this point.

The inside front and back covers need to be well designed also. Your catalog shoppers need information. Placing that information in these strategic locations makes that information easy for them to find. If you do not need to put information there, put your specials or the products you want to sell the most there. Dont discount the inside back cover as unimportant. Many people pick up a catalog or magazine and flip through from the back to the front instead of from the beginning. A well-designed inside back cover can catch their eye right away.

Keep in mind a well-designed catalog always has something that catches the eye in the upper right-hand corner of the page on the right every time the user turns a page. This is where their eyes go first and what they will see if they are just flipping through the book. If you want them to stop flipping, catch their eye there with your best images

Images are very important to any well-designed catalog. Your images must be professional quality and your products should be photographed alone and not grouped. Single-product photos cost more than grouping but also sell better so they will make you more money than the extra you spend doing it this way. The image should stand out and make the person viewing it want the product. No catalog can be considered well designed if the photos are not high quality.

A well-designed catalog also contains all of the information your potential customers need when considering a purchase. After reading your product descriptions, they should have no questions about the details of their purchase, including how to order the product.

Okay, now you are armed with more information about putting together a well-designed catalog and hopefully you now understand the importance of doing so. If you try too hard to save money when putting your catalog together, then your sales will suffer and you may find it costing you money to send the catalog out instead of making you money.

A well-designed catalog may cost a little more to produce but you will reap the benefits when several people besides the person you sent each catalog to are reading it and ordering your merchandise.

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